Fellow Oulaws……

I am in the first week of a second blue dot b-stock 950. The first blue dot 950, the S-video VCR input, it appeared the “gain” structure was extremely low, resulting in a very dark and off color picture. Outlaw service sent me another 950, apparently before I even had hung up the phone (thumbs up here!)

But after hooking up the second unit, it also appears to have video problem. This time the picture appears to be saturated, too much gain, facial tones almost completely washed out. (On all S-video inputs and s-video monitor ouput. Mostly likely the problem is occurring in monitor output section, since the same washed out result is present no matter which S-video input is used)

After reducing the picture and brightness levels on my monitor to almost nothing, and playing with the flesh tones, I end up with a picture that is on par or slightly worst than what looks like an old VHS tape play back using any source (DVD, Sat, Cable, DVR, or VHS recorder).

Now, while expecting some signal lost going through a switcher (in the 950) and additional lost because of extra cable length (going to AND from the 950), so far the video performance from the two 950s I have received is lacking (worst than my old receiver).

I would appreciate any input from others than might have had the same problems. Little is known about the other two 950 clones……….. are they getting the superior/better performing units, maybe with tighter specs and quality control? While Outlaw widens their specs and is more “forgiving”?

While all three companies selling the “950” are quite “closed lipped” about their differences, one has to assume there has to be some differences. Any new input on these differences?

Maybe I am just asking too much from the Outlaw 950?

The silver lining so far in this situation is the Outlaw commitment to making me happy. I just hope I am not too much a pain in the butt! ;-)

"In Search Of The Lost Cord"
"In Search Of The Lost Cord"