Hey gents,

I've been lurking around the OUtlaw web site for a while now. I'm a HT enthusiast, with strong audiophile tendencies. Over the past year I've been upgrading my ht from a technics/garage sale system to a serious setup. Right now I"m trying to get some general information on the 950 compared to say the Rotel RSP-1066, or the Nad s-100, or the b&k ref 30 (those are the three choices I have from my dealers in the blustery west of ND). I was first considering a straight a-v reciever, untill I heard a pre-amp/amp compo (the NAD Silver Series 100-250 combo), and I was sold on seperates. (I was literally knocked on my butt when I heard the differance in clarity, sound stage, and pure holo-sonic imaging. Blew the Denon 5803 out of the water...but I digress.

Anyone heard these combos, and can coment on the quality of sound? I'm sold on seperates, and I'm realy impressed by what I'm hearing about outlaw. I just need to get some opinions.
