I was seriously considering getting the Outlaw 950 + 7100 package recently, then I got to thinking... what does this package offer me, for $1500 or so (b-stock), that a similarly priced (or even lower priced!) receiver wouldn't offer me, other than the fact that the amp and processor are seperate? I couldn't come up with any valid answers, so I'm turning to the Outlaw forum. Any thoughts on this? The Denon 3803 streets for around $1200, and is apparently available for under a grand. The Outlaw package is available for $1700, new $1500 b-stock. That's a big difference in price, and I can't see what features justify that. I'm open to suggestions, as I like the idea of moving to seperates, but I don't think that alone is worth $500+.

Currently I have very small, but quite efficient speakers: The old Energy Take5 satellites. I also have an SVS 20-39pci sub. My current HT room is my living room which is small/medium in footprint, but high in volume, due to the vaulted ceilings of my condo. Given that info, I am not an upgrade-aholic... My current receiver is a Yamaha rx-v995, which was my first digital receiver, bought back in January of '98 I think. My speakers are even older. So, this purchase/upgrade to something like the 3803 or the 950+7100, should last a long time, and be appropriate for a possible speaker upgrade in the next year or two. I doubt I would upgrade the speakers to anything other than medium to large-ish bookshelfs. But, that's down the road regardless. For now, I'm happy with my take5's and besides I may be moving w/in the next year.

Thanks for any and all advice, ideas, thoughts, oppinions and/or suggestions!
