My 950 is coming in this week and I have been a long time lurker here so I pretty much know what I need to do to set it up properly. One thing I am not real clear on, being a graduate from from a 10 year old mainstream Sony ProLogic receiver without sub output, is how to set the crossovers correctly.

Here is the output from my mains (red) and center (green)

OK, it seems clear that the mains should crossover to the sub at around 70 or 75.
I'm not sure what to do with the center. I suppose after calibration the center should be 5dB higher than currently on the graph to almost overlay the mains. But its dropoff still starts sooner than the mains so it looks like it will crossover at more like 100Hz. (The 100Hz line is actually the major one just to the left of the 100Hz legend).
Is that the correct approach? However, 100Hz is at the point were bass becomes directional though, right? Should I gap it down a bit even if the crossover is not as smooth in order to get into the non-directional realm (wherever that actually is)? It is probably something I will have to play with I know but just wondering...