7100 vs. Adcom.... a comparison

Posted by: Frank Z

7100 vs. Adcom.... a comparison - 06/02/03 08:52 AM

I had a great time over weekend comparing my 7100 to a friend's Adcom GFA-5802 amp. I fully expected his more powerfull amp (450w into 4ohms) to blow my amp out of the water. I'm happy to report that my amp held it's own! We were both surprised that neither of us could hear any audible sonic differences between the two! Both amps were used to drive my Lsi's for about 6 hours, we also connected his Parasound DAC and pre-amp to my Pioneer Elite DV-47a universal player. We listen to just about every type of music under the sun and probably drove my neighbors nuts! Kudos to Outlaw for building an amp that can hang with the big boys for a fair price!! Now where's the guy with the Bryston amp......

My HT v3.1
Posted by: TurnerF

Re: 7100 vs. Adcom.... a comparison - 06/02/03 01:02 PM

Find that Bryston guy.. I would love to hear a comparison between those two. Audiogon regularly has Brystons at a small premium and I have always had a thing for Bryston from commercial audio days. I would love to know how they stack up.