I have been very happy with my 950/7100 for 2 channel sound through my Klipsch Heresys...Tonight, I hooked up my "old" Nalamichi TA/2 Stasis "Tuner/Amp" receiver with my other set of slightly older Klipsch Heresys...I think I like the sound from the Nak a bit better...anyone here have or have had a Nak??? What is it I am hearing, warmth?
I don't dislike the 950/7100...it is just "different" sounding...I hate to throw around audiophile phrases so if I use one, I may not be using it correctly but the Nak sounds a bit "fuller" perhaps and the 950/7100 sounds a little more "analytical?"
Help me if you have some insight or just want to add your .02.
Outlaw 1070***3 Klipsch Heresys Across the Front W/Crites CT-125 Tweeters***Klipsch KSP-S6***Oppo BDP-83***Outlaw LFM-1 Plus***
Panasonic SA-XR 57***Klipsch RB-5s***Klipsch RC-3***Outlaw Audio M8***

...Let the Movies and Music Play...