Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050

Posted by: FAR

Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 01:45 AM

Does anyone have experience with Yamaha HTR-5560(exactly the same as RXV630) and Outlaw 1050? Which one do you choose? Why? Thank you for your comment, still have 14 days left for return.

[This message has been edited by FAR (edited February 09, 2003).]
Posted by: MCH

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 02:40 AM

So I understand you have the Outlaw 1050 now?! If so, do you like it and if not, what do you find missing? If you feel the Outlaw 1050 does what you want it too, keep it. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush. I've had my 1050 for over a year and am loving it. It does everything I want.
Posted by: HI-FI

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 08:22 AM

I would keep the 1050, it is better built and sounds better, and does Yamaha have a forum like this??
Posted by: michaelstano

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 08:23 AM

I have both the 1050 and a Yamaha 5250 (100 wpc, 2 years old). Although the Outlaw has fewer processing modes, that, to me, is no big deal. To my ear, the Outlaw sounds better on movies. The remote is better. The Outlaw is easier to set up and tweek. The Outlaw is routinely compared to receivers costing up to $1K--you won't see the Yamaha so compared. [Check older threads for more ideas, searching for "Yamaha."] If price point is an issue, Outlaw B stock is close to the current Crutchfield sale price for the 5560.
Posted by: warpdriver1

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 11:41 AM

I haved the 1050 for a year now and it is excellant. I tried an earlier model yamaha and to my ears the 1050 sounded better.
Posted by: FAR

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 09:24 PM

I am not firm for 1050 because I had a very good deal for Yamaha HTR 5560, I got it for 300 after tax, brand new. 1050 costs 200 more, and has less features.
Posted by: morphsci

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/09/03 11:22 PM

The 1050 may have fewer "features" perhaps, but much better sound compared to the RXV630. At least IMO.

[This message has been edited by morphsci (edited February 09, 2003).]
Posted by: MCH

Re: Yamaha HTR-5560 or Outlaw 1050 - 02/10/03 12:19 PM

If you like the features of the Yamaha and feel the $200 savings is important, then that is the receiver for you. I would still listen to both of them before making a final decision. You may find the sound of the Outlaw may out way the features of the Yamaha and the extra $200.