tweaks or modifications to your 1050?

Posted by: eric l

tweaks or modifications to your 1050? - 09/04/02 06:05 PM

hey folks,

I was just curious if anyone has tried any tweaks or modifications on their 1050s. Powercord replacement, part replacements, treatments, anything. surely there's got to be someone out there. I'd love to hear about what you've done and how it sounded.

Posted by: charlie

Re: tweaks or modifications to your 1050? - 09/04/02 06:28 PM

I rubbed vaseline all over mine. No noticable difference in sound but it now catches flies.
Posted by: Jack B Nimble

Re: tweaks or modifications to your 1050? - 09/04/02 06:39 PM


I'm relieved to hear you're only using the vaseline to catch flies.. i was beginning to worry about where you were going with that "enhancement"!