Posted by: archie

1050 - 07/13/01 08:13 AM

i find the outlaw 1050 to be a bargain in price and quality.i recently had a denon 3801 hooked up and had a chance to hear both the 3801 and the 1050 in the same room. i much prefer the overall sound quality of the outlaw. the denon is good and well built, but all things considered [price sound quality et.]the outlaw wins easily. at $499
it could possibly be the best bargain ever. the hsu research vtf2 subwoofer is the only other item as far as bargains go that is close.
Posted by: Bryan

Re: 1050 - 07/14/01 05:46 PM

I couldnt agree more. I think its hard for some folks to believe just what a superb deal this receiver is compared to some very high end units like the denon.