DSP bypass in stereo?

Posted by: spot

DSP bypass in stereo? - 05/21/02 05:05 PM

I haven't seen any discussion of what happens to analog inputs on the 1050. Is the DSP section bypassed in stereo mode, or will the 1050 digitize the signal coming off my vinyl LPs (by way of a phono preamp)?
Posted by: sfw

Re: DSP bypass in stereo? - 05/22/02 09:06 AM

Along these lines, has anyone ever drawn a "logical" block diagram for the 1050? I'm thinking of something that shows all the inputs, outputs, controls, the important logical signal processing elements and how the signals flow between them and change form. If one hasn't been attempted, I think the collective familiarity that this group has with the 1050 should be able to reverse engineer such a diagram.

For me and probably others, this could really help understand how to best use the 1050.
Posted by: Matthew Hill

Re: DSP bypass in stereo? - 05/22/02 10:18 AM

All of the two-channel inputs are digitized and sent through to the DSP, even in stereo mode. For one, this allows the crossover to be used in stereo mode. The 950 has an option to bypass the DSP for the two channel inputs but the 1050 does not.

The 5.1 inputs, however, are not fed through the DSP so if you're not using them you could connect your phono preamp to the L&R jacks on the 5.1 inputs.

Matthew J. Hill