1050 Issue/Problem?

Posted by: KungFuJoe

1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/02/01 08:19 AM

I don't know if this is my problem, or maybe the 1050's. Here's the deal: if I try to connect all my video connections into the 1050 through RCA (hey, I've got an old TV) the signal is degraded. This is especially noticeable through the DVD player and my Satellite. If I just wire with a Y connector, bypassing the 1050, the picture is amazing. On the other hand, I do have to power off my VCR to watch DVDs if I do this.

So here's my question. Has anyone else noticed this degradation of the video signal? Is this a problem on my end, or is it the 1050? I'd be happy to provide more info.

Other than that, I'd say the 1050 is excellent. I would advise the Outlaw's to spiff up the manual with more remote info though. Once I discovered how do the audio punch through trick, I love the remote. Very sweet.

Posted by: Bruce Tiller

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/02/01 01:18 PM

Most video switchers in receivers of this price range are going to degrade the signal. (I previously had a Denon reciever and it was worse than the Outlaw.) You probably have to pay a few thousand dollars to get video switching that does not degrade the signal.

The reason the Y-Connector gives you such a good picture is that it is a "hard-wire/mechanical" approach.

Bruce Tiller
WT-46807 Toshiba SD-6200
Outlaw 1050 Receiver
My DVD list
Posted by: jfr888

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/06/01 05:49 PM

Are you using composite connectors? I use the Outlaw's switching to route both satellite and dvd to my tv, and I don't notice any degradation. But then again, I don't have a HD or high end monitor. I also have only one s-vid imput in my tv, so I need a switch. Most people recommend running your video sources directly to your tv, if you've got enough inputs. JR
Posted by: Alfer

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/07/01 02:20 PM

Having lived with mine for a while now, I have to be honest and say that my video quality using the 1050 S-Video IN/OUT is not near the quality of routing directly to the TV itself. My colors are more washed out, and the contrast levels are way out of range. I've tried and tried to tweak my TV setting, but it does no good.

I like running everything through the 1050 though because I only have one S Video INPUT on my TV. It makes life much easier for me and my wife (she likes to just hit one Macro button on my Sony AV2000 remote to watch any given show).

My TV was calibrated w/ Video essentials before I used the receiver as a switcher (used to use a manual Sony video switcher)and the picture was looking good. However now it has dropped a notch or two in quality since using the 1050.

By no means am I bashing the 1050, just pointing out that the video images from my 1050 switching are sub par compared to the Sony manual switcher, or direct inputs of a TV.


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Posted by: Owl's_Warder

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/18/01 01:24 AM

I also noticed an interesting video problem with the 1050. Since I also only have one S-video input on my TV, I was stoked to use the switching capabilities of the 1050 and finally hook up my satellite S-video. Unfortunately, I noticed when playing DVD's that if there were bright flashes of light, especially in a generally dark picture like a night storm, the picture would actually roll and look like film in a projector. Very strange. By hooking video up direct, the problem went away. So, back to composite video for satellite :-(

Interesting side note, has anybody ever noticed how many movies seem to have night lightning storms?
Posted by: Bruce Tiller

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/19/01 07:59 PM


I noticed the same video problems with the 1050, but it was even worse on my Denon 1600. It's as if there is too much bright video information, and the video switcher cannot handle it.

I also noticed other types of video problems. For example, in Contact, instead of grass gently moving back and forth in the breeze, the grass would appear to be flashing.


The Sony switch gave you a perfect picture because it was a mechanical switcher. Unless the contacts are dirty or something, it should show no signal degradation.

Bruce Tiller
WT-46807 Toshiba SD-6200
Outlaw 1050 Receiver
Definitive Tech BP2004TL
My DVD list
Posted by: stanley cup

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/30/01 04:48 PM

AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGG!!! I love my 1050 and do not want to send it back but....I've had it 2 weeks and want to use the s-video switching too. I've watched a few movies and I've experienced the exact same thing that others have mentioned. The picture gets crapy and flickers near the upper edge of the monitor. It is 100% repeatable too. That is totally unacceptable for me. If I avoid it, then I can only run one one piece of gear in S-video. I was hoping it was just a problem with my 1050, but now I think it is a common issue. I would've gladly paid more to get acceptable s-video switching. I don't need perfection, but at least make it useable!!! Why even include it when it appears to be WORTHLESS!!!

Maybe I'll try switching brands of video cable and see if that makes any difference.

Other than the S video switching, this 1050 is everything I had hoped for. It is a tremendous value but I don't think I can live without some sort of decent switching. Am I expecting too much out of a $500-600 reciever?
Posted by: bbb3

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/31/01 06:57 PM

Please excuse me if this has already been addressed elsewhere, but, as a potential buyer of the 1050, I would like to learn a bit more about Outlaw's position on the S-video problem (flickering and rolling during certain video scenarios).

Has Outlaw weighed in on this issue? I am anxious to know whether they see this as an engineering defect to be addressed (on past or future units), or as a shortcoming to be expected in this price range.

As someone who has not made a significant audio equipment purchase since the Nakamichi cassette deck I bought over 16 years ago, and who is a newcomer to the A/V world, I have tried to "do my homework" for my upcoming receiver purchase. In reading literally hundreds of reviews and opinions, I have come to the conclusion that I should be striving for "quality over quantity" which has led me to this receiver.

Like many of you who have already posted, I too have only one S-video connection to my monitor, and the flicker problem seems to be the only hurdle I have not yet come to grips with in the 1050. Any info would be appreciated by this newbie.

Posted by: gonk

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 07/31/01 07:44 PM


I can offer only two thoughts on this issue. (1) If in doubt, e-mail Outlaw and ask them whatever question you have. This forum is great for a lot of things, but sometimes the best thing is to go straight to the source, and Outlaw has always been good at answering my e-mails when I have questions. (2) Video cables can and sometimes do make a significant difference. I don't think that the problems reported here are purely cable related, but cables can play a factor and possibly make switching-generated problems worse.

I will add that I have had no problems using the video switching on my 1050 (although I did notice a significant improvement when I switched from Monster Cable S-video to BetterCables S-video from DVD to 1050 and 1050 to TV).
Posted by: Owl's_Warder

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/01/01 01:18 AM

I don't think I would ever have thought about the cables exaggerating a minor problem within the 1050. Interesting...

I am using Monster's S-video cables, too. Well, I'll just have to live with a single S-video source (DVD naturally!) since I couldn't make my wife see the reason to upgrade brand new cables :-). Some sacrifices are worth the marital harmony they bring...

If anyone actually hears back with an official answer from Outlaw, please post it here. I'm sure it would be of interest to more people than just me.

Happy viewing!!
Posted by: psklenar

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/01/01 07:53 AM

This is all quite odd. I've been using the S-Video switching in my 1050 since I first recieved mine in May of last year - I've not noticed any video problem.

I've got only my LDP and SVHS VCR feeding through the 1050 via Monster S-Video cables. My DVDP feeds directly to the TV via Component and the CATV feed comes directly from the wall into the TV (since I don't have a CATV set-top box). But both the LD and Video tape images look just fine?

Like I said above ... t'is quite odd.


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Posted by: Scott

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/02/01 09:56 AM

We have seen a number of comments in recent weeks concerning the performance of the Model 1050 with regard to the video switching circuits. We have looked into the source of the comments, and hope that the following will give you some insight into the design of the 1050 as it relates to S-Video. Except in some rare, isolated situations, the issues reported are not the result of malfunctioning units, rather, as this note will explain, they are an unintended by-product of the 1050’s circuit design.

By way of explanation, the 1050’s video section was designed to accept and pass through video signals at the industry standard of 1 volt peak to peak maximum. Unfortunately, we have seen that a number of video components exceed that standard output level. The problem is elusive as it varies from model to model, and sometimes sample to sample of the same brand and model due to tolerance stack-up or improper design or internal factory adjustment of the video source product.

In some cases we have seen the use of different interconnect cables solve the problem, most likely due to differing resistance characteristics. However, due to the random nature of the problem we cannot recommend a specific cable brand or model, or guarantee that this option will solve the issue in every case.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make any changes to the 1050’s hardware design at this point. It is designed in full compliance with industry standards and practices, but it appears that in some cases we simply end with undesired performance due to a combination of factors due as much to the design of certain source products as with the 1050.

If you encounter video overload artifacts that cannot be cured with different interconnects, the only other option is to connect your video sources directly to the display device and let it do the switching, if possible. For the small percentage of our customers who have encountered this problem, we apologize for this inconvenience. Rest assured that while we cannot make any changes to the 1050, we have taken this experience into account in the design of the Model 950’s video section, and we will make certain that it, and any future Outlaw products, do not share this issue.
Posted by: stanley cup

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/02/01 04:49 PM

Scott, thanks for the insiders update. This kind of reply is what builds a reputation and a dedicated, fanatical group of customers.
Although the video switching has given me much frustration (not to mention I'm out $50 for giving the 1050 a try), I am impressed with the 1050's quality, attention to detail and audio performance. If I can try a different DVD player or cables before my 30 day trial is up it is a keeper. If not, maybe the 950....

I have experienced it most when using the Sony PS2, Monster Cable s-video to 1050, Tributaires s-video to monitor. Maybe my particular PS2 is exceeding the standard output level.

I will be disappointed if I have to send the 1050 back. But I am a believer in your products and Outlaw's dedication to affordable hi-fi sound. Keep up the good work OUTLAWS!!!
Posted by: gonk

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/02/01 05:47 PM

Scott indicates that the source problem is often so random that it can't be pinpointed to specific brands, but it might help folks here to offer what their setups were (video source and cables). Stanley cup had problems with a Playstation2 and Monster S-video. I have not had problems with a Panasonic S-VHS VCR or a Panasonic DVD-A310 using both Monster S-video cables and BetterCables S-video.

By the way, kudos to Scott and the crew -- sounds like somebody's been doing some serious digging into video signal switching recently.
Posted by: bbb3

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/02/01 08:34 PM

Thanks, Scott, for the insight. It makes perfect sense to me.

Now I am curious as to the make and model of the DVD players being used by those of you having these "flicker" problems ( and those who are not). I am not too confident in my el-cheapo Daewoo player, but I still have time to return it.

This message board has been helpful. Thanks for everyone's input.
Posted by: psklenar

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/02/01 09:26 PM

Originally posted by bbb3:
Now I am curious as to the make and model of the DVD players being used by those of you having these "flicker" problems ( and those who are not). ...

Well, I'm one of those having no video problems. As mentioned in another post above, my DVDP is going directly to the TV To take advantage of the Component Video outs. I do have an LDP (Pioneer CLD-3080) and an S-VHS (Mitsu HS-U775) both going through the 1050's S-Video switcher. I've got 1 meter Monster Video-2 S-Video cables both connecting the two sources to the 1050 and connecting the 1050 to the TV. I think these were the "high end" Monster video cables at the time I bought them.

That's my report,


home: psklenar@home.com ... office: psklenar@uhc.com

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Posted by: Owl's_Warder

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/04/01 12:25 AM

Thanks for the response Scott! That really clears things up. Kudos to a company that actually listens to its customers!

I've got the rolling picture (see post above) and am using Monster S-video cable (1 meter) with my Toshiba SD-2109 dvd player.
Posted by: bbb3

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/04/01 08:14 AM

Having had my question answered from 7/31, I am no longer a fence sitter. I just finished clicking the "submit order" box for my new 1050.

I will test the final launch scene in the movie CONTACT with my DVD player and s-video connection. If this scene doesn't cause a problem, I doubt any would.
Posted by: alsander

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/04/01 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Alfer:
Having lived with mine for a while now, I have to be honest and say that my video quality using the 1050 S-Video IN/OUT is not near the quality of routing directly to the TV itself. My colors are more washed out, and the contrast levels are way out of range. I've tried and tried to tweak my TV setting, but it does no good.

I like running everything through the 1050 though because I only have one S Video INPUT on my TV. It makes life much easier for me and my wife (she likes to just hit one Macro button on my Sony AV2000 remote to watch any given show).

My TV was calibrated w/ Video essentials before I used the receiver as a switcher (used to use a manual Sony video switcher)and the picture was looking good. However now it has dropped a notch or two in quality since using the 1050.

By no means am I bashing the 1050, just pointing out that the video images from my 1050 switching are sub par compared to the Sony manual switcher, or direct inputs of a TV.


I have a SONY RM-AV2100 and haven't been successful finding the correct "code" for the 1050. Could you help me out or send me to some source of information. I tried to scan for the code with no success. Thanks.
Posted by: Owl's_Warder

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/09/01 02:28 AM

Another good test scene is immediately following the plane crash in Castaway. When he's in the raft among the fire and the lightning is flashing. I had the roll a few times in that sequence. 100% repeatable in the same spots.

But I tell ya, I love my Outlaw. My wife is finally getting just as excited over it as me. She watched Titanic the other day and was amazed at the sound she heard!
Posted by: Steve_C

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/11/01 06:42 PM

No video pass through problems here,
El'cheapo Mfr's cables or midgrade AR's

Could be chassis grounding problems causing the video signals to degrade
Posted by: Alfer

Re: 1050 Issue/Problem? - 08/11/01 08:02 PM

I have a SONY RM-AV2100 and haven't been successful finding the correct "code" for the 1050. Could you help me out or send me to some source of information. I tried to scan for the code with no success. Thanks.

I just used the "learn" function on my AV2000 to operate my 1050.


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