wiring rear speakers

Posted by: oceanbrz

wiring rear speakers - 06/26/01 05:38 PM

This question is really for scott, but all answers are appreciated!! I had been using six Acoustic Energy Aegis Ones for my speakers: cntr, mains, surrounds, and one rear. I've just purchased the Aegis Center and now have a second AE 1 to add to the rear. So here's the question: Should I wire the rears in series or parallel. The AE's are 8 ohm, so I think the freq response may drop too low if wired parallel. Which wiring option do the outlaws suggest?
Posted by: gonk

Re: wiring rear speakers - 06/26/01 10:27 PM

Best place to start is the manual -- they actually mention this arrangement (which I also considered at one time). It's page 23 of the PDF file, in the section on Setup and Configuration (third page of that section), bottom half of the left column. Outlaw recommends a parallel arrangement, and note that this arrangement will require you to switch the impedance selector to 4 ohm (switching it while the 1050 is turned off). They also detail both ways to arrange the wiring itself to achieve parallel wiring.

Whoever wrote the manual for the 1050, let me just say thanks while I'm thinking of it -- it's a nice piece of work. I keep the Acrobat file on my computer (me fiancee finds it amusing that I don't dig out the printed copy, but it's in a filing cabinet with a couple dozen other manuals).
Posted by: oceanbrz

Re: wiring rear speakers - 06/27/01 11:53 AM

I guess I should have clarified my question. While that section of the manual says go parallal, another section (pg 21), describing set-up, says that the selector switch should be set to the impedence of the mains and center. Thus, if one was using 8 ohm mains and 4 ohm surrounds, the manual says use the 8 ohm setting. But by following the rear surround advice on pg 23, the exact opposite results. I guess that no damage would result from either setting, so maybe i'll just try series at 8 and then parallal at 4 to see what sounds better.
Posted by: baristaman

Re: wiring rear speakers - 06/27/01 05:45 PM

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!!!
From what I understand, if you have any of the speakers running at 4ohms, you must set the receiver at 4ohms also. I learned this the hard way once and burned out an amplifier. 4ohms equals more power, 8ohms equals less.
Please double check before moving forward.


[This message has been edited by baristaman (edited June 27, 2001).]