1050 / Magnepan MMG's

Posted by: MikeyMac

1050 / Magnepan MMG's - 03/09/02 12:18 PM

I'm still in the "research" mode for the perfect cost effective HT/audio setup. I've just recently come across the Magnepan MMG thin film electrostatic speakers. Does anyone have any experience with this setup? My main concern stems from the fact that these are lo-Z speakers (4 ohm). Would the 1050 have a problem with these? Thanks for your replies in advance.
Posted by: m-mmeyer

Re: 1050 / Magnepan MMG's - 03/09/02 02:44 PM

Yes the 1050 will power the mmgs just fine but if you go to any model above it will be sucking wind. I owned the 1.6s for my fronts and the mgmc1 for the rears and the mgcc for the center but I ran the fronts on a NAD 218thx amp which is 225watts and the rears and centers on the Outlaw 750 which is 165 watts.
The maggies are some of the most natural and accurate speakers in the world but they are fairly placement sensitive and the sweet spot is small. They sound very good in the sweet spot but not as good wandering around the house. Also with the smaller maggies(mmg, 12s) you will need a sub as they aren't capable of strong bass, its not bad just not as much as a box speaker can do.
So in closing I would reccomend maggies I enjoyed them for close to 3 years I only gave them up because my HT setup moved upstairs and the room dynamics did not work well with them and I had a friend that was willing to pay top dollar to get them. If you can I would check them out at a dealer they are very good sounding(not much for the eyes though)and they hold there own against any ES speaker and they are pretty affordable to.

Hope that helps, let me know if you need more help.
Posted by: ltkhuc

Re: 1050 / Magnepan MMG's - 03/09/02 02:50 PM

Originally posted by m-mmeyer:
...I only gave them up because my HT setup moved upstairs and the room dynamics did not work well with them ...

hi m-mmeyer,
what exactly did you mean by that? i will order a pair (for now) of mmg's for rear channels to go with the 950 and either a 755 or a used rotel 1095. please let me know whether the set up will work. Thank you much. lk
Posted by: m-mmeyer

Re: 1050 / Magnepan MMG's - 03/10/02 11:31 AM

Well I went from a standard rectangle to a room with high ceilings and only 3 walls, it is open on the entire left side. In expermenting I found that I couldn't get the same sound I had from before. The Maggies send sound foward and backwards and with the missing wall the left speaker just didn't sound right without the reflections. I also home demo'd some Paradigms dipoler surrounds to match my new front speakers and experienced the same thing so I ended getting direct reflecting speakers for my rears too. Room dynamics has much more to do with how a speaker will sound then a lot of people give it credit for. The 755 or the Rotel should work fine, give your amp breathing room though with the Maggies and U-571 at a high volume my amps would get pretty hot. If you like the mmgs take a listen to the 1.6s they have loads more bass and are a little faster they run about 1600 a pair or so around here. Also make sure you home demo or have a good return policy for a sub the maggies are so fast that some subs can't keep up and starts to sound out of sync and muddy. I had good luck with the Rel Q series but try anything out with your speakers first.
I do miss my Maggies very much especially listening to SNZ when my girls are gone but I have no complaints with my Paradigm Studios.
