Woohoo! Got mine!

Posted by: Eskimo

Woohoo! Got mine! - 12/30/01 09:24 PM

Man, what a beautifully put together machine this is!!

Its looks are understated, and while I'm not crazy about the logo (though it would like nicer as a badge), everything else is fantastic! I even like the green button.. reminds me of my first experience with REAL hi-fi..and old (80's) NAD amp..

Hookup was a breeze. There are no what I call "BS buttons" on the front panel. Every one there has a purpose. Grouped logically, and have a nice tactile feel.

So, I power it on, set my fronts to large, center to small, set the X-over, and fire up the CD player.. Holy crap. My old receiver was a Pioneer VSX-904S(i think), rated at 150wpc.. This blows that one away with it clear, precise, clean sound! My Klipsch Legends have never had it so good!

DVD was equally awesome, considering I don't have all the speakers hooked up yet. (the surrounds/sub are waiting to go into my new house in March) I seem to watch DVD's alone at 55, going up to 65 for some of the more exciting scenes... 45-55 seems good for guests, and my lovely g/f likes anywhere from 50-60.

I'm impressed as hell... The color on the remote is neat, although I HATE universal remotes. I did set it up for everything though, but I still use all the other remotes..old-fashioned I guess.

I can see myself keeping this amp for a long, long time.

Congrats, Outlaw, on a job WELL done at a price that can't be beat!!!!
Posted by: gonk

Re: Woohoo! Got mine! - 12/30/01 10:52 PM

Welcome aboard, Eskimo! The 1050 is a fun piece of gear.

Posted by: Jay-1

Re: Woohoo! Got mine! - 01/03/02 10:44 PM

Hey Eskimo,
I too will be getting one of these hopefully by the end of the month. Unit looks really nice. What kind of cables did you end up using to hook up the dvd to the 1050. I've read mixed posts on this forum about whether to go coaxial or RCA or other cables. Good clean sound huh ?? Can't wait !

I just didn't think they made radios like this anymore then ....welcome to Outlaw !!