I am a long time Onkyo user and, as it is time for a new receiver, was thinking about getting the new Onkyo 797. However, in doing my internet research, Outlaw has become somewhat of an obsessive thing with me. My major concern is with the power output. The Onkyo has 100-110 watts/channel and is always powerful and authoritative sounding, unlike other lightweights I've heard. I like to listen to all kinds of music, but, when I'm stressed out, I listen to rock, blues, etc. really, really loud. My center channel speaker is rated at 96 db, my fronts at 90db, and my rears at 89db. This is going into my 17 by 20 bedroom. I read on the FAQ's that the power rating for Outlaw is very conservative. Can anyone tell me if the volume I can achieve with the Outlaw will be equivalent to let's say an Onkyo or Denon receiver? Help me decide if I should enter into an outlaw's life. Thanks in advance.