I'm an outlaw at last! I purchased the 1050 and have it set-up with the Axio Audio Epic Grandmaster speaker set (12 guage spker. wire). The mains are large bookshelf speakers and match the center and surrounds real well. BTW, the surrounds are Quad-pole and are truly fantastic. Everything sounds really great until I get to about 65 on the volume knob. After that there's pretty serious degradation, particularly on highs.
It's not something I noticed the first few times I used the system, and it seems like maybe it happens more when the system has been running for a while and is HOT HOT HOT. Anyone know if maybe the 1050 is underpowered for the room I'm in (bout 15'x23') or if it might be the speaker (they are rated to 200w)? What does the 1050 sound like for others when it's dialed up above 65? If it's underpowered, I'm considering adding a 755 in a little bit as 5 channel is about all I have room for and a hell of an improvement over the AIWA bookshelf system I had for like, 12 yrs. Any help would be much appreciated.