How many people actually own a 2150 ?

Posted by: Sweet Spot

How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/29/06 06:51 PM

Since I don't think that there's any way to start a poll here, would it not be reasonable enough to ask people to post saying that they either have one, or have ordered one ? I guess the reason I'm asking, is because I'm curious about all the fuss of the backorder.

I was going to order one months ago, when I had money, but since then, have been married, paid mucho bills, have gone to Hungary for a second (formal church style) wedding, and have been unemployed now for almost 2 months, though I'm starting a new job this coming Monday.

If all the orders for the 2150 have to be taken on the Outlaw site, then it's also reasonable to assume that most of those people would visit these forums, right ? It just surprised me to see that after months of letting things pass, that only NOW has an announcement been made, saying that the pre orders should be shipping in mid October.

It also surprised me to find out that the prices will be getting jacked up a bit, but I guess that's the law of supply and demand hu ? I know it was passed off as simply being a matter of moving facilities, and needing new tools yada yada, but I honestly didn't really buy that story when I read it (no offense Scott.), but considering that the price of this supposedly wonderful piece of technology is still considerably cheaper than other similar type units, I guess it's still a logical choice to make for a new receiver.

Still though, I can't say that it doesn't bother me at all, considering how I think that the team should have been a lot more prepared than they were, in having proper facilities, "tools" and the right amount of man power for the given demand. But that argument stands to contest the actual given reasons for the price boost, which I don't necessarily see eye to eye with, so perhaps I'll save it for another time.

Anyhow, I'm wondering if it would be possible for everyone whom has ordered one, or owns one, to chime in with just a simple "owner here !" I dunno, I just find it a bit strange that with all the backorder talk, this particular forum has always seemed a bit "dead", so to speak. Just wondering why ?

Posted by: gonk

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/29/06 07:11 PM

I've got a theory about internet forum traffic that seems to pretty accurately track with past activities in this and other forums. In most cases, the people who actually register accounts and post with them in online forums are either doing so due to a problem or question ("it's broken!" or "how do I hook this monster up?") or because they are interested in taking part in the forum's typical discussions. There are exceptions, of course, such as people who take a moment to register an account and post a "thank you" remark upon receiving a new toy, but basically my best SWAG has always put the percentage of buyers who register and take part in a manufacturer's forum to be around 5%. That number would probably be even lower if the product in question is something like a power amp, where user questions are less likely. The RR2150 attracted a huge amount of attention when it was reviewed by Stereophile, and I think there were a number of people who bought one based on that review but who probably didn't even visit the saloon once. Many who did visit the saloon didn't seem inclined to register accounts (there were a lot more "guest" users viewing the site in the weeks after that issue of Stereophile hit shelves than is normally the case). Bottom line: for every forum member who has an RR2150, it's entirely possible that there are more than twenty RR2150 owners who either haven't registered in the forum or never even came to the forum. It's a SWAG, but it matches well with some threads we've had for product launches like the 950 and 990 - when the number of people posting in the forum who had the units numbered only a few dozen even after weeks or months, in spite of the fact that the units were still backordered.

As for the price increase... Well, as you mentioned, the price increase appears to be related to the change in manufacturing - different facility, presumably different production costs for certain aspects of the process, and so forth - and it's likely that the extra $50 is partly due to the rather tumultuous ride that some raw material costs had been on this year (copper's come back down some, but it's still significantly higher than in the past, and steel's been a fairly confusing mess for a couple years now). As you say, it's still a pretty good value - and while we're all doing a certain amount of reading between the lines, the fairly drastic decision to relocate production suggests that Outlaw was forced to make some serious adjustments to get the production volume they needed.
Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/29/06 07:37 PM

I guess in the end, it's all good if the payoff (audio quality/nirvana/bliss/insert adjective of choice here) exceeds the short lived grief of having to part with that which you worked so hard for. I've got so many priorities on my "to buy" list, so perhaps that Outlaw Credit card is right up my alley. Time to ask my other half, the one with the reeeally good credit.... smile

Posted by: tru blu

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/29/06 09:48 PM

Well, I'm glad I have one on backorder, but to tell you the truth, I thought the price increase would be a bit steeper than $50. There's usually something of a learning curve when introducing new audio equipment, so I'm hoping that if there were any bugs in the inaugural RR2150s, Outlaw used the shift in production facilities to dispense with them altogether. We'll know soon enough. Oh, and to kinda second gonk's theory, I entered the forum for a practical reason: I figured this would be the right place to get an informed answer to a question.
Posted by: steve6

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 03:51 AM

Owner here! I guess I'm one of the lucky ones ... I ordered what now seems like "back in the day," when you could still get the first batch. Glad I did. And, OK, it's a home-brew audio mag, but I wrote the very first review as well! The comments still stand, it is a superb piece of equipment.
Posted by: tru blu

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 10:48 AM

Thanx, steve6. One question: Have you made much use of the USB input? Just wondering...
Posted by: jayz1006

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 12:33 PM

I've been on order since the end of May so needless to say the next couple of weeks are going to pass slowly shocked )
Posted by: steve6

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 04:09 PM

Originally posted by tru blu:
Thanx, steve6. One question: Have you made much use of the USB input? Just wondering...
To be honest, I haven't used it once. Haven't even tested it. My 2-channel stereo rig is downstairs and my computer up, so I haven't had the need/occasion to try it out.
Posted by: steve6

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 05:34 PM

and a better, direct link that review (I hope)

Originally posted by steve6:
Originally posted by tru blu:
[b] Thanx, steve6. One question: Have you made much use of the USB input? Just wondering...
To be honest, I haven't used it once. Haven't even tested it. My 2-channel stereo rig is downstairs and my computer up, so I haven't had the need/occasion to try it out. [/b]
Posted by: EssenceLumin

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 09:12 PM

I ordered one in July. In fairness to Outlaw Audio they did say in their June newsletter that there would be a price increase of around $50.
Posted by: EssenceLumin

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 09:17 PM

That pdf link says forbidden and something about

Data files must be stored on the same site they are linked from.

You can see the article by going to and scrolling down to January 2006 though.
Posted by: bobthepome

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 09/30/06 11:50 PM

...actually seems to work better!
Posted by: EssenceLumin

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/01/06 07:22 AM

Heh, yeah Bob, oops.
Posted by: rocknribs

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/01/06 07:37 PM

I ordered mine in the middle of March 2006 and received it the end of May 2006. Other than the touchy volume control, which numerous others have commented on, I am very happy with my 2150. The build quality is superb and the sound is very musical. I alternate between my Klipsch Legend 20's and Monitor Audio R6's. The 2150 makes both pair of speakers sing. I especially like the sound from the Monitor Audio's. How the heck do they get such small speakers to sound so good? OK, that's for another discussion. Anyway, I like my 2150 so much that I'm considering ordering another one. Guess that sums up my opinion ofthe 2150. Great job Outlaw!
Posted by: paladin

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/02/06 03:08 PM

Owner here. I ordered in mid-March and recieved in early June. I'm really happy with the unit, but I'm still not sure I have the right speakers paired with it.

I have experimented with the USB port, both from a PC and a Mac, but was not terribly impressed. I really prefer streaming music from the PC through an Airport Express into one of the analog ports on the 2150.

I will admit I was much more interested in the postings on this site while waiting for my 2150, but I still check semi-regularly to see what's going on.

Good luck to those still waiting. I hope you get yours soon!
Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/03/06 09:16 PM

Well, I must say that my wife, (who has perfect credit) is a really cool woman. She decided to help me out by applying for the Outlaw Credit card, so that I could purchase the 2150 before the price went up. Call me cheap but, that extra $50 could easily go to (and will) the purchase of new speaker cables. Those will probably be Anti-Cables Since they seem reasonably priced, for something which IMO appears to be just as odd a product, as any other of the hyped cables which go for a lot more money. Personally, I don't buy much into the hype which surrounds cables and such, but more prescribe to the science behind ohms vs. resistance etc.

Anyway, I'm hoping that since she (the wife) faxed over the credit papers today, that everything is go (though they called her back and she wasn't able to get back to them because of work), and that she'll be getting the card sometime either this or early next week. As soon as I know it's on its way, I'm going to buy some MDF at Home Depot, along with some threaded 3/4" 3' tall rods, and build myself a new shelving unit. Well, either that, or buy something from Salamander, becuase their stuff pretty much looks like what I'd build, but with real wood I believe. If I'm wrong, and they also use MDF, I'll just build it myself.

If the card doesn't arrive soon though, I think I'll just use a regular credit card. Wish me luck.

Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/09/06 04:45 PM

Outlaw called my wife 2 days ago, but she wasn't able to get back to them until today, and found out that they approved and sent the card, so hopefully I"ll be able to put my order in by the middle or end of this week. cool I can't wait !

Posted by: tru blu

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/09/06 08:38 PM

Congrats, Outlaw homey (I notice we're both in NYC), but I'm afraid that right now the one thing that's assured about the RR2150 is the "wait."
Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/10/06 07:24 PM

Thanks man, I'm really looking foward to getting my gear up and running. The speakers I bought a couple of years ago, (Energy C3's) are still sitting in the closet, having never been used except for in the show room where I bought them, because I didn't want to run them out of my current receiver (Onkyo TX SV515).

I also have a brand new turntable sitting in the box in the closet (Rega), as well as a brand new NAD CD player just waiting for a new receiver to get them all worked up. The last thing on my list to do, is to buy speaker cable and interconnects and then either build or buy a new media shelving rack. I'm seriously thinking about building one, since I have a good idea of what I'd be using, and it might actually compare in structure to something from the Salamander line.

So what part of BK are you from/in ? I was actually born there, but have moved MANY times since those 34 years have passed ! wink I've also lived in Park Slope, and Brooklyn Heights during my years actually... (oh yeah, and Canarsie too, as well as having had many girlfriends in many different parts of Bk.)

Posted by: tru blu

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/10/06 08:36 PM

Currently in Fort Greene, but that'll probably change soon. The neighborhood is fabulous (and "hot" right now), but—as I've mentioned to our fellow gunslingers and desperados—our apartment is kinda small. Sounds like you're building a system for settling in. Hopefully, Outlaw won't keep us waiting TOO much longer.
Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/16/06 04:27 PM

In response to my own thread title: Count me in ! My wonderful wife, just got off of the phone with Steve from Outlaw just a short while ago, and he set the whole thing in motion for us. (Well, me) Thanks to Scott for expediting the order, and for noting the situation with the credit card, it's much appreciated here sir.

My wife commented to me about how helpful, nice and funny the Outlaws were, and I also got to see some of that as she was laughing while talking to Steve. Thanks for easing her in to the audio purchase man, buttering up always helps relieve that apprehension, though I'm sure, VERY sure, that she'll more than appreciate the new system once she hears it in action !

According to Steve, it should take "over 2 weeks" for it to arrive, so I'm not going to expect it anytime soon, but I'm very much looking foward to its arrival in any case. Thanks again guys. Time to buy new speaker cable and interconnects now.

Posted by: gonk

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/16/06 04:34 PM

Very cool news, Sweet Spot. I look forward to hearing your take on the 2150 once it arrives and gets settled in.
Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/16/06 05:50 PM

Sure thing Gonk. I plan on expanding my music library with some new reference CD's and some new 50 gram vinyl's for just that occasion. If you have anything you'd like to recommend, I'd be happy to take your (or anyone elses) advice.

I love blues, jazz and classical (older blues with a touch of some Ronnie Earl styled musicians), and I also really love choral music if there's anything noteworthy in that category. I do also love SOME alternative modern stuff, such as Radiohead, Interpol and bands like that.

Also, curious to know what you or anyone else might think about a speaker cable DIY project involving magnet coil wire, the same type apparently used for the "Anti-Cable" brand ? Are there any good/detailed DIY guides which go over terminating spades and banana ends ? I'll probably do spade ends though.

Posted by: lonewolf47

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/29/06 09:04 PM

Well, Doug, I just placed an order yesterday, and the price was still $599? At least, that's what it said. Maybe if you put yours in now, you might save the $50 increase, too. Just a thought. I also must admit that I haven't actually received full confirmation of my order, as yet (hey, who works on Saturday night anyway?).
Posted by: gonk

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/29/06 10:40 PM

Scott confirmed the other day that they are leaving the price at $599 until they can ship 2150's from inventory.
Posted by: lonewolf47

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/30/06 10:04 AM

And Scott is right! I had to re-order mine over the phone, chatting with a gal named Jennifer, and the price is still $599+shipping, as of this morning.
Posted by: Sweet Spot

Re: How many people actually own a 2150 ? - 10/30/06 11:53 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf47:
And Scott is right! I had to re-order mine over the phone, chatting with a gal named Jennifer, and the price is still $599+shipping, as of this morning.
Congrats. I really can't wait until we all finally get them in so that we may discuss our impressions.
