My wife and I are moving from a 450 sq foot condo to a real house and I am finally indulging a dream to get a real hi fi audio system. Based on reviews here and there, I've decided to center it around the RR 2150. For speakers and cds, here is where I am at right now:

Aperion 6t speakers - http://www.aperionaudio.com/product/NEW-Intimus-6T-Tower-Speaker,110,28,254.aspx

Cambridge Audio Azur 340 c cd player - http://www.aperionaudio.com/product/NEW-Intimus-6T-Tower-Speaker,110,28,254.aspx

This will put me a little over budget, but if the quality requires that, I guess it is okay - I really liked the Aperion 633s, but since we are going to be buying in August, they will probably be history by then.

This will be for an L shaped dining room and living room, with the system set up in the corner (unless that is a bad idea?). We listen to mostly jazz, classical, and world (African, Argentinian, and Brazilian music).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
