So today was the second time this problem has happened to me. I was doing a demo for a few of my friends from work. I was showing them what my 2channel system was capable of and we were rocking out with the volume control at around 11:00, no louder than that. There was one time when I finished a song and dropped the volume down that the receiver went into standby mode and then popped back on. I thought maybe I had hit a wrong button on the remote but there isn't anything near the volume buttons on the remote that would suggest this. This exact problem happened once before when I was lowering the volume.

I was just wondering what you guys might think this problem is. Any input would be greatly appreciated and everything else about this receiver makes me soooo very happy. I have had the receiver since early November.


System Specs:

Mirage m3-si Loudspeakers
Outlaw RR2150
Primare CD21
Monster HTS5100mkII
Audioquest cables