
Posted by: HTnut

Sparks?? - 07/13/03 04:33 PM

What would ever cause speaker leads to spark of they touched? I know that would casue a short and possiblt trip a protcetion circuit in the amp but sparks from speaker leads???
Posted by: soundhound

Re: Sparks?? - 07/13/03 05:32 PM

It's still electricity, and even a 1 1/2 volt "D" cell battery will spark if shorted out. I just wouldn't put your speaker leads in your bathtub while taking a bath to test this though.......
Posted by: HTnut

Re: Sparks?? - 07/13/03 07:50 PM

Upon further investigation..this amp has probs. If i touch the right rear speaker output leads i get a shock straight up my arm Guess its headed for repairs
Posted by: D'Arbignal

Re: Sparks?? - 07/13/03 09:10 PM

Holy smokes, yes! Immediately unplug this unit, and every unit it's connected to and remove the amplifier from your system! If you're getting a shock, something's seriously not right, and while it's possible it's not dangerous, believe me you do not want to take that chance!
