Present and former 950 owners: I thought we could all sound off in this one topic and save prospective buyers a bit of searching through the Saloon to hear a summary of our experience with the 950. What is your opinion of the unit after having some experience with it? How did it compare to other products you've owned?

As you start your reply, please say:
  • If you are a current or former 950 owner,
  • If you're thinking about buying one and have a question,
  • If you bought something else, why not the 950?

I'm a 950 owner, I'm very pleased and couldn't have done better without spending two, three or four times more - hence my Outlaw nickname.* In combination with an Outlaw amp, a distinct improvement over my formerly upper-end Onkyo THX certified receiver. I would definitely make the same choice if I had to do it over again.

(*With 'bestbang' I don't mean to imply just 'loud,' I mean detailed and accurate even when loud.)

I hope prosepective new Outlaws will find this helpful. (Please stay on topic! If you have a large, single subject area to explore, perhaps start a new post or point to another existing post in the Saloon.) laugh