quick bass question

Posted by: alteon

quick bass question - 12/24/04 01:45 PM

I have a quick question. I have the old Outlaw Av receiever which I love and I am using my ICBM with it and a seperate DAC. I have two questions.
1) Is there away to make the bass volume come up and down with the reciever volume? Or do I have to adjust that on the ICBM each time?

2) Do I have things wired right. I am going into the ICBM L sub input, then out the LFE in to the LFE out on the Outlaw. Is this correct? Or should I go out the 5.1 ouputs for this as well. I have my other inputs going into the 5.1 inputs to by pass the DAC.

Posted by: gonk

Re: quick bass question - 12/24/04 03:52 PM

By "bass volume" are we talking about the sub's level? If so, it should track right along with the 1050's main volume if the 1050 is in the signal path between source and sub.

I'm concerned about one thing, and that is that your wiring is either reversed or your description of it is. The ICBM does not have a left sub input - it has a single sub input and left and right sub outputs. I think that it's just the description that is backwards. I think that in this case, the following would be the ideal configuration (following the signal from source to speakers and assuming that the source and external DAC are a two-channel source):

  • source - digital transport, with digital output connected to separate DAC
  • DAC - digital input from source; stereo analog output connected to left and right inputs of ICBM
  • ICBM - left and right channels of DAC connected to left and right inputs; left, right, and left LFE outputs connected to 1050's 5.1 channel analog input
  • Model 1050 - left, right, and sub signals from ICBM connected to left, right, and sub channels of 5.1 channel analog input; powered sub connected to sub/LFE output of 1050 and left and right speakers connected to speaker binding posts of 1050

This arrangement allows you to use bass management with a high quality stereo analog source while also maintaining a completely analog signal path downstream of the DAC. In this case, the 1050's volume control will serve to control both left and right channels as well as the sub - you can trim the sub at the ICBM once and leave it. If I've misunderstood what you are doing, let me know.

Happy holidays.
Posted by: alteon

Re: quick bass question - 12/24/04 04:23 PM

Yea my terminalogy is all wrong. I do have the DAC plugged into the left and right inputs of ICBM then they go intot he 5.1 input on the 1050 input. But I still dont have the base hooked up right. There is a sub lfe output with left and right and according to the manual pics you plug your sub into there. My sub is powered however with its own cross over. I don't care which cross over I use. Then I have a connector going from the ICBM LFE in to the 1050 LFE output. I think there is where I may have it wrong. Because it is not controling my sub volume. Does that make more since?

Posted by: gonk

Re: quick bass question - 12/25/04 08:59 AM

The sub LFE output (specifically the left in your case) should connect to the 5.1 channel's subwoofer input on the 1050 before going to the sub in order to allow the signal to pass through the 1050's volume control. Going directly from ICBM to sub will bypass that control. If you shift things around so the cable currently going from 1050 sub out to ICBM LFE in instead goes from ICBM LFE out to 1050 sub in and the sub connects to the 1050 instead of the ICBM, you should be good to go.
Posted by: alteon

Re: quick bass question - 12/28/04 06:40 PM

Thanks alot for your help smile Things are working great now. I appreciate your input as always.

Posted by: gonk

Re: quick bass question - 12/28/04 06:51 PM

Glad to hear that it's working.