Setup for stereo 7?

Posted by: BillBlackwell

Setup for stereo 7? - 02/12/04 10:46 AM


I just bought a 950/7100/icbm and am setting everything up. I was a bit confused about running 7-channel through the icbm (when connected between the 950 and the 7100), so I called tech supp, and spoke to Steve who was very helpul. Turns out I can't run Stereo7 in this fashion, which is too bad, because this is a mode I'd like to use. Ok, so I've been thinking about this, and here's my question:

I don't need bass management on my L/C/R channels (they're DefTech's with built-in subs), so I thought I could connect these channels directly from the 950 to the 7100, and run the LS and RS through the L/R inputs/outputs on the icbm, and run the LB and RB through the LS/RS inputs/outpubs on the icbm. One problem I see with this approach is that there is a potential for a delay to be added to the surrounds and backs, but I think this can be calibrated out. The question is (finally, sorry for rambling): Is this a reasonable approach for applying bass management to ONLY the surrounds and rears using the icbm? Any other ideas?

Thanks for the help!!

Bill Blackwell
Posted by: Jeff Mackwood

Re: Setup for stereo 7? - 02/12/04 11:11 AM

First off I can't see how this will produce any "delay" on a non-quantum scale.

Secondly, while the set-up will work effectively to allow you to choose cross-over points for all of your surrounds, what are you planning to do with the filtered-out bass? Bass Management means re-directing the base somewhere - not eliminating it altogether. With nothing but surrounds connected to the ICBM it has nowhere to go. Were you perhaps planning to connect a sub to one of the ICBM's sub outputs?


Jeff Mackwood
Posted by: BillBlackwell

Re: Setup for stereo 7? - 02/12/04 11:16 AM

Jeff - you're right about the delay - scratch that.

My L/R speakers have LFE inputs, so I plan on connecting the LFE outs on the icbm to these. Any problems with this?

Posted by: gonk

Re: Setup for stereo 7? - 02/12/04 11:22 AM

There aren't a lot of folks out there putting an ICBM between 950 and amp (the ICBM's bass management is not significantly different from the 950's digital bass management, although it does offer the ability to operate stereo subs). How do you have the DefTech's connected? That might be a deciding factor in the ICBM wiring. According to this recent thread , DefTech recommends running them large with the subs connected to the LFE output, but I would think it would be preferable to run the unpowered portion of the speakers small (the 2300 uses 4-1/2" drivers for the midrange, which would seem best suited to being operated as "small"). Does anyone know if there is some internal crossover feeding low frequency data from the binding posts to the powered sub? If there was, that would explain the preference for running them large while also connecting the powered subs to the pre/pro's LFE output.

No matter how you have the LCR's wired, there is one option that may work for you while still routing all channels through the ICBM. Set the 950's surround back to use the LB only (Stereo6), connect the left surround back output to the center surround input on the 950, and split the center surround output to feed both back channels of the 7100. You lose nothing by doing this (except individual trim control for the left and right back speakers) because Dolby EX, DTS ES, and Cirrus Extra Surround all produce a mono surround back signal, so both speakers get the same info either way. I'm doing this currently -- when we moved last month, I went from 6.1 to 7.1 briefly, only to find that my Parasound two-channel amp has become a monoblock (right channel only works occasionally), so I switched the 950 back to 6.1 and connected the surround back speakers to the A and B left channel outputs. Eventually I'll replace the Parasound (probably with a pair of M200's), but for now I've got 7.1 in speakers and 6.1 in amps/processing.

gonk -- Saloon Links | Pre/Pro Comparison Chart | 950 Review
Posted by: arica9

Re: Setup for stereo 7? - 02/12/04 09:55 PM

For Def Tech with powered subs there is a pre-set cross-over and phasing that cannot be modified. They do have a level control (acts as a volume control) to adjust the LFE. I'm pretty sure even the new towers with built in super cubes are set this way.