755 issue?

Posted by: Tom L

755 issue? - 03/10/04 09:36 PM

I've had the 755 for a week now and it's been performing flawlessly. However, tonight I put a DVD in and it was working fine for about 10 minutes and then a loud pop came from my center channel. I then checked the wiring and everything was correct. I'm using an Integra DTR-7.3 as a preamp it will shut down the second it triggers the 755 and the standby light will flash. I disconnected the trigger cable and the Integra doesn't go into an abnormal state. I connected the speakers back to the Integra and it works like it should, a receiver. It's almost like the 755 is sending voltage back to my receiver either through the interconnects or trigger cable. It's hard to tell. I'm afraid to test further as I don't want anything else to fry, if not already.

Has anyone else seen this?

Thanks in advance,

Posted by: Tom L

Re: 755 issue? - 03/10/04 10:23 PM

The 755 also sends a horrible sound to the center channel when triggered by the DTR-7.3 . I disconnected the interconnects from the receiver and reconnected the speakers to see if it was the receiver. All of the speakers seem to be fine when attached to the receiver.

It's starting to look like I need to call Outlaw.
Posted by: Tom L

Re: 755 issue? - 07/05/04 11:12 AM

Just wanted to let everyone know that Oulaw resolved this issue back in March. I lost track of this post (sorry).

I had a bad channel on the amp. The replacement amp is great. Outlaw's customer service is wonderful.